What Can I Do About Sun Spots?

Sun spots are a common sign of aging skin. In fact, many people over the age of 50 have these small, flat brown marks on their faces, the backs of their hands, or their shoulders. The spots are patches of melanin that have developed from sun exposure.
Melanin is the pigment in your skin that gives it color. When the sun’s rays hit your skin, it produces more melanin to protect itself from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light. Over time, the extra melanin collects in areas that get a lot of sun exposure, causing sun spots to develop.
Your risk for sun spots increases with age, because your skin has been exposed to the sun longer. Also called age spots, liver spots, and solar lentigines, sun spots are almost always harmless and they don’t develop into skin cancer.
But sun spots can impact your self-confidence, make you look older than you feel, and be embarrassing. For the latest in effective, safe sun spot treatment, visit Gwen Allen, MD, at Gardena Women's Center in Gardena, California.
Dr. Allen offers laser treatment to remove sun spots and give you a more youthful glow. Call the office or request a consultation online today to get started.
Treat sun spots with the Elite+™
Sun spots usually appear on the face, hands, and shoulders and can be diagnosed with a visual exam.
If you’re frustrated with sun spots, Dr. Allen can help you achieve a more even skin tone with the Elite+™ Aesthetic Workstation. She offers comprehensive consultations and works with every patient to develop a customized treatment plan.
Most patients see desirable results with one or more sessions of Elite+ treatment. The Elite+ system uses the latest in dual wavelength laser technology to erase uneven pigmentation on all skin types and give you a younger-looking complexion.
During treatment, Dr. Allen targets sun spots with the laser. The laser energy breaks up the melanin in the sun spot and over time, your body naturally flushes out the small particles. Your body rebuilds the skin cells and clearer, even skin replaces the sun spots.
Treatment with the Elite+ laser feels like a rubber band snapping against your skin. The system is equipped with air-cooling technology to keep you comfortable throughout the process.
You can expect little to no downtime with Elite+ sun spot treatment. Most patients experience minor redness in the treatment area following the procedure. Your skin may scab over during the healing process, but should heal completely within two weeks.
Protect your skin to prevent sun spots
You can’t completely eliminate your risk of developing sun spots, but there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting them. Whether you’ve had laser treatment to remove sun spots or want to protect your skin from the get-go, limiting your exposure to UV rays helps keep your skin healthy.
Always wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and reapply regularly. Wear pants, long-sleeved shirts, and hats to keep the sun off your skin. If possible, avoid being outside between the hours of 10am and 3pm, when the sun is at its strongest.
You should never use tanning beds or tanning lotions. Doing so not only increases your risk of getting sun spots, but it also increases your risk of developing skin cancer.
You don’t have to live with frustrating sun spots. Revitalize and refresh your skin with laser treatment at Gardena Women's Center. Contact us today to learn more.
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